Friday, October 30, 2015

Slight hiccup

Hehehe, I ran into a little problem with the time system. For some reason, my code isn't working as intended. Basically, I have the buttons called up on two separate pages, one sets up the parameters and coding of the button, and the other displays it. For whatever reason, when I have the code display both a 15 minute and 1 hour time pass, a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes passes by instead of just the value that is assigned to the button that you press. It's kind of annoying because currently, it takes 15 minutes to enter your bedroom and 1 hour and 15 minutes to exit. I have most of the house up and navigational, including the beginnings of interactions with the family and some secret variables and items already implemented.

I posted on the twine forum to get some help because I can't think of a solution that will fix this without serious breaking down and reworking my time/navigational system (which, in all seriousness is technically sound; I believe Java is just reading it incorrectly). So instead, I will be working on the branching stories for this weekend. Someone asked if the story will lose it's charm with the new system. Honestly, I don't think so. If anything, it helps fill in the gaps from the morning to afternoon to evening stuff. If by tomorrow or whenever I get bored/stuck with the family story stuff, I'll just start building the world anyways and have the bug be in there for now.

Success! I got some help off the Twine forums and the problem described above no longer exists (it was a syntax error). To add a little more info, I'm flushing out the Kevin-Judy and Kelly-James story. This means, following them and adding in all of their interactions for the day (not all the tangent story lines, just their average day and your early options with them). Other than that, I want the first release to be big enough to include the locations to train up your stats. A lot of the numbers behind the game are only lightly integrated in because the scenarios for them do not exist yet. Even so, once I add in the training stuff and a few more variables and systems, there will be nothing left to do but story line.


  1. Hey Icarus! In the future, can Kevin spend quality time with several girls in one day? (For example, get blowjob from Judy at morning, then go shopping with Abby and at night sneak in Kelly's room? Or there will be physical limits on quantity of sex acts?

    1. Yeah, that's kind of the idea right now with everything being open. Since the characters are out and doing their own things, you'll be limited to who you can interact with at any given time, but there are chances to interact with them all throughout the day. And yes, there will be physical limits, but you can raise them higher.

  2. I was wondering that with the addition of stats to the game and how they intended to affect outcomes, are you planning to have these impact/change how the scenes already implemented in the story play out (such as the premature ejaculation with Abby in the store changing room). Regardless, I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.

    1. *they are intended. Sorry, not too great at texting on mobile to be honest.

    2. Hmm... I haven't considered this specific one. Since you have a sexual experience meter, I suppose if you're not experience enough, then yes, you'll still ejaculate prematurely. It's that way in the original story because it's how I wanted the first day to be. With stats, do not expect to have access to all the scenes in the beginning. In terms of easiness to sleep with, it'll go Kelly-Judy-Abby. For the female protagonist, it would be Fred-Kevin-James.

  3. So say we do that one scene with Judy and the brother. Can we have a statcheck to see if we can triumph over the brother?

    1. Yeah, if Judy is awake then yes. I planned for there to be a scene where she actually wakes up and you take turns raping her. Otherwise, she's just unconscious and there's no way to tell who pleasures her more. Ultimately, I think it'll come down to whether or not you can make her cum when it's your turn. If you're skilled enough, you can probably do it multiple times.

    2. Ah.

      Although I meant more like kicking his ass if we want to.

    3. Oh, that! Yes, that too. If you disagree with him and want to stop him/want to be the only one that goes, then yes, a potential ass kicking is planned. Optional tie him up and make him watch. Muahaha.

    4. Mm, yes, perfect.

      Can the same be done for the father?

      Granted, I haven't bothered with said father, so I don't know his personality, but he seems fairly aloofish and whatnot, and there's that thing with Abby.

    5. Yes, son-father cuckolding will be an option in the game. I don't remember how much of the father's content there is in Ver002, but he's not supposed to appear that way. For a lot of the content that he is in, he's basically shocked/mad at you for having sex with your mom or sister, which is a reasonable response. I've tried to make it so everyone have layers to them. Hopefully, that'll come across once I integrate his content into the story.
