
Hello, so here's what's currently happening:

November 17th, 2015  - Working on some sex scenes between Kevin-Judy. I'm trying to cut out as much potential fluff as possible while keeping the story intact and variable. It's a bit of a paradox but I'm taking it one page at a time. Also trying to squeeze in the outside world's skeleton so that I can attach locations to the roads later on. An interesting side note: I've just checked the mediafire downloads and see that there's been 5,500+ downloads. Mega.nz doesn't let me check but that's higher than I would have expected. Probably bots.

November 2nd, 2015 - Script is good. Currently working the Kevin-Judy morning scene and there's already so much variations and possibilities. It's funny because I built the system not knowing exactly how I would implement certain features. As I run into walls, I look back and see fixes and easy solutions I've already established for myself. Hopefully this trend will continue and I'll be able to work without any more major bugs. With that said, if I can continue this pace, I may be finished with the Kevin-Judy and Kelly-James content along with training areas in 3-4 weeks. That's my best guess currently.

October 17th, 2015 - I released version.002 on the 11th, and have been working on a more script orientated version ever since. Yes, I understand it's frustrating seeing the game go through so many reworks, but I think this will be the last one. I'm surprised with the versatility and easiness of Twine. For the most part, I can do exactly what I originally conceived to do, making it so that I can put a system down and just add text and conditions to draw up new scenarios. I've stated that the game is sort of ruined by the back button. I wanted to keep it in there for this version because ver.001 was so faulty, but it has rendered what has taken me months to write into a 30 minute - 1 hour breeze through. With the new system up, I can set up a loop immediately, giving the player the option to live each and every single day trying to have sex and sex again! I can say that it will be harder to engage in sex this time around, especially with the family members and it will ultimately rely on your stats AND choices. The prologue is written, letting you choose your gender, your skin color (didn't want to overtly include race), hair color, your body build, your past life's background and sexual experience (these two affect stats). I should probably keep my mouth shut though, because this could ultimately fail, so keep it on the down low! (>.O)

October 6th, 2015 - I was hoping to release the game this weekend but ran into multiple walls. Game will definitely release this upcoming weekend with about 75% of the Kevin-Judy, Kevin-Abby and Kevin-Kelly content integrated in. I know it's kind of a low percentage, but it IS over 375 pages already. My story statistics is telling me: 148,935 words, 628 passages and 956 links. All of that with only 30% of Kelly's story integrated in.

September 28th, 2015 - The Kevin-Abby story line is mostly (75% ?) written but not yet integrated. I was more busy this weekend and did not have enough time to write. The release may be delayed, depending on how I feel about the state of the game after this next weekend.

September 19th, 2015 - The Kevin-Judy story line is mostly written and integrated (90%). Will move on to Kevin-Abby story line.

- I am going to rewrite the game from the ground up in Twine, providing better interface.
(I remember now, I found Twine before but didn't use it because I wanted to include stats like strength, charisma and sexual encounter... counters. I went with Quest because it seemed like something I could later integrate. I'll probably drop stats all together.)

- Since the family is a big focus of the game, I will be completing their stories first before I add in anything else.

- Depending on interest, I can add Kelly as a playable character after that, or further develop the world.

- Once I finish the first day, I'll work on the second day/phase and so on.

- *Updated* The game is currently 500+ pages and I guesstimate 3% complete (I re-guesstimated. Originally thought I was perhaps 8% complete, but I excluded some pathways and the female protagonist's story line... I am far too ambitious.)

- This is the same story as Marmota Nights on edittthis.info because I am the same writer. I will be providing links to that (less complete version) to alleviate some frustration.


  1. you know that you can add stats to Twine, right? It all comes down to if/else procedures, but it works pretty well in my opinion

    1. I did not know that. Hehehe, thank you for telling me. Can you possibly create conditions? Like, if-statements based off the stats? If that's possible, I may not need a different engine for this at all.

  2. yes you can. http://twinery.org/wiki/variable will help you out.

  3. I really hope you get Kelly done as a playable character sooner than later. I really wanna be her not a boy.

    1. I can understand your sentiments and I look forward to writing Kelly's content as the main character. Once I release the second version of the game, I will set up a survey to see what people want to be completed next and will work on it. I'd imagine that Kelly would be a popular option.
