Monday, December 14, 2015

In response

I've been taking it easy over this past weekend and have been keeping track of the feedback. Despite having relatively few people chipping in, there appears to be an overwhelming number of people who dislike the new system. 4-5 commenters is no substitute for real statistics so I'm going to post up a survey. I understand a lot of people don't have time to answer in the form of creating an account and commenting so that'll be the best way to get 100 answers on whether or not people really enjoyed the new system.

The reason why I want to put out a survey is because I'm having quite a dilemma with what I want to do with the game and what people want. I understand people like the old system I get it, I enjoyed it too. Based on the comments I've received, this new varying sex style with numbers and trackers keeping track of whether or not you or your partner cums is a detriment to the game, which in all honesty I get; it's different, perhaps intrusive and may take away from the experience. But I believe people are incorrectly comparing this demo with the entirety of the last 500+ page version, which is unfair. In all honesty, the scene in the game is meant to replace the morning sex scene with Kevin-Judy, excluding all the variations (everything leading up to and everything that can happen differently). No one complained about the masturbation scene so... eh?

But why do it this new way?
Well, I already decided that I will not be writing the story/game on a Phase based system; the reason being that since everyone's story branches out so far that it would take me an incredible amount of time to get anywhere with it, (think 2-3 versions of the same thing). I was hoping that this new system would help alleviate those problems by accounting for variations, (think 1 version that changes based on what your actions/stats/whatever are). So, getting rid of the Phase system would require a day by day system, which should be time based, requiring you to do certain things to unlock more and more options for you as the days go along (aka. variation), as opposed to waking up the next day and getting a bunch of new content (which sounds good but requires time to write 2-3 versions of the same thing). What helps with variations? Statistics; how strong you are, how smart you are, how persuasive you are. And story markers; whether or not you've found out a certain thing about a certain person, whether you've done something before, etc.

What does this mean?
You lose instant gratification for a more complex story. Writing it the old way, would require more and more things to be added on as the days goes along. Good for you, bad for me. Writing it like this, all (most) variations are written the first time around, just hidden behind flags and gates. Good for you, good for me. I was hoping that the variations in the sex scene would give you direct control of what you wanted to do. If you were particularly good at any sexual stat, you'll exploit it on your partner and be rewarded accordingly. Also, it would make it so that you would never be reading the same thing two times in a row, although that's apparently what people are getting anyways. I understand it's not extremely good right now but it shows a lot of promise.

Can't it be a hybrid?
Not really. So, the new system spits out options depending on where your character is in the world. If you're home and the time is 8AM, then your family members are home and you can interact with them accordingly. The old system placed you at home and limited your options to that one starting point. Without a time system, there would really be no way to to account for all the crazy things that can happen. Basically, it's content on top of a time system vs. content that leads to more content. Incorporating code in the old story would technically work, but would require an entirely different system than the ones I've done in terms of accounting for what changes what.

What did I have in mind?
I wanted to make a looping system where the day would be hour based and have your limitations based off of where you are and what time it was. Depending on where you are in the world you would have your normal CYOA type options including movement options to encourage exploration. Every time you had positive interaction with a family member/friend/stranger, their affection for you would rise based off of how handsome/beautiful/charismatic/smart you were. And based off of their affections and your own stats, you could try and convince them to have sex with you in various ways, not unlike Ver002. BUT, where Ver002 gave you a number of incorrect and correct options, NO(almost none) options would be inherently correct or incorrect, giving you wildly new outcomes with the same options. Instead of waking up the next day stronger/smarter, you would need to work at it, via Sims style training and be able to keep your increased stats from day to day while everyone else stayed the same. Options would be opened to you gradually as you found out more and more things about the people who live in and outside of your town.

It is definitely different from what most of you have read, but I don't think it's a bad direction to take the game. Everything's still there, it just doesn't account for a time skip like the last story would have had.

Where do I plan to take the game version?
Honestly, I wanted this to be an alternative to a lot of gender-bending, furry and anthropomorphic games out there. Where it is based in reality and gradually winds up being some kind of weird, twisted, time-bending, sci-fi, smut story. Games I had in mind are: Corruption of Champions, Flexible Survival, Robozu and Cursed. They're not perfect games and neither will mine be. But in terms of content, I think mine would set it apart from everything else out there. Suggest me a game if I missed anything.

I suppose since I've been relatively quiet on the matter, it's surprising for many of you that I'm pushing the game version of it and it may be what's upsetting. Honestly, it's the best way I've figured out how to account for variations in the story and is not necessarily a bad thing.

The bottom line:
I'm okay with pressing on with the current planned format, perhaps dialing down on some of the "gameplay" aspects of it and making it more linear? I'm also okay with writing the story as one linear choose-your-own-adventure starting and looping on Phase 4 (the phase where you have godlike powers), because I really don't want to do Phase 1-3 just as an intro. We'll see though. I'll make my decision based on the first 100 surveys answered, so if you want to have a say please take the survey here:

Edit: Thank you for the comments, it's very heartwarming. As of right now, there are 48 entries on the survey so it will remain open. A small update on what I'm doing is that I updated Twine to the most current version, hoping that it will fix the inability to save. Good news is; it totally did. I was really stressed out about it because I didn't know why it wouldn't work as intended. Bad news is; it broke the (print:) function of the game, calling up an actual printer function instead of displaying your stats in the confirmation of character screen and whenever you pressed the  "Stats" button. It's been noticed by the developer of Harlowe so I assume it would only be a matter of time before a new update fixes it. It will hopefully address the problems with the lack of a back button but keep in mind, I'll only allow people to save at certain points, including world exploration, first key scenes and wherever I see fit. The goal of the save function is to have a place to return to if you shut the game off, not to have a foot in the door and repeatedly try to do one thing over and over. I suppose it could always be abused to do just that, but the main thing I want to push is that you (your character) is relieving the day over and over and have to deal with your successes and failures accordingly. There will always be optional content that has 100% chance of success and will be there if you just want a quick romp, (prostitutes, Johns). I will most likely be lenient with it during the beginning unfinished world, letting you save wherever you want, but with time and more content, it will gradually become constrained to world exploration.


  1. I think it's admirable that you want to cater to the majority, but ultimately I think you should do what YOU want.From the looks of things, this undertaking is no cake walk. I imagine it would be hard staying motivated if you deviate from your vision. You've gotten people interested doing it your way so far, and I for one will keep following the project regardless of direction.

  2. Hi ID.

    I just wanted to say that, at the end of the day you're never going to be able to please everyone! The important thing is that your vision for the game should not be compromised.

    I get the fact that the choices you make will affect your stats, which in turn will affect what branches of the story open up for the player, but for my part, I don't want to see the quality of your story-telling suffer for the sake of adding too many options and branches.

    I think the idea of toning down the gameplay and making it more linear would help.

    Thanks and good luck!

    PS: Other games you could look at are The Weekend (by tufty, good story) and Escort Dreams (by mindfuldirt, may help you with the stats). Both are on

  3. You do You. Either people will like it, or they'll complain until they're tired and walk away. I've enjoyed your story so far and my only complaint is that we aren't getting new content. Of course, that's understandable since you keep pushing to find a new design that works. Keep up your hard work and don't let what people say get to you. Your content is interesting and easy to read. As they say, "If you build it, they will come." Pun intended.

  4. For me CYOA style was more pleasing. But we got to see only so little of game style so i can't really compare. As previous posters said i will enjoy it either way.

  5. The CYOA version seemed to flow better and with less interruptions for me, but as others have said - whatever gets content out there faster keeps you invested and keeps things manageable has to take priority. I'd hate to see this project abandoned like so many others of its ilk.

  6. I can't speak for everyone, but I was comparing the scene with the same one in the previous version.

  7. I thought the writing was better in the CYOA version for reasons I already stated, but ultimately you need to pick something and stick with it. If you keep redoing the game constantly you'll never get anywhere.

  8. I'm most curious about how the story is going to progress. I can tell it's going to be the same day over and over, which is fine for just exploring all the branches in the day, but I'm concerned there isn't enough room in there for character development. I get the feeling of being stuck in a box when playing the game. It'd be different if it was a full week that repeats, because then you'd get a much better sense of progression, you'll have a chance of seeing characters changing and responding to things you've done. If it is the same day over and over you miss out on that chance. The modular sex you have kind of cuts into that a little bit too, the longer scenes felt more personal, but the cut up version where you have three options feels impersonal, as if you're just going through the motions (A, B, A, B, squirt).

    But I understand the constraints you have, it would be difficult to write a story that branches out that much for that long. As much as I would prefer that kind of story, I get how it's not very practical. The biggest thing is to pick something you want to do with the game and story, and just go with it. I like your writing style, the scenes are well done for the most part, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the experience whatever you decide.

    1. I have enough planned that hopefully, the game won't seem repetitive. Just take Ver002's story and expand on that four times with each character and that's roughly how much variation I had conceived of. Going on for more than one day would be nice but it would be a logistical nightmare, so for now, long stretches would be game ending stuff, for example breaking out of thee one day loop and living the "rest" of your life.

  9. Hmm do you think you can change attribute points by player choose themself rather than the selection? if not its okay.

    1. Technically, yes I can find a fix for it, but at the moment it would be more complicated than it's worth. How the points are distributed now is to make it so that you're not too good at any one thing at the start.

  10. Argh! Don't make the game have a white background. It murders the eyes. Your dark grey blog with white text is way easier to read then the download of the game.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll integrate it into the next update.
