Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Thank you!

It's so great to get feedback on what has been a year long pet project of mine. I apologize and thank everyone who were willing enough to try out the game, despite it being incomplete and very rough.

What's the next step? Well, I've integrated some more stuff into the game but someone has made a suggestion that I use a different engine. I'm going to research it and in the end, I might port it over to Twine or something else. Instead of releasing small updates, I'm going to hold off until there's a substantial improvement to it. I'll keep my eyes on the forums and on this blog, so expect to be hearing from me soon.

Update: Haha, I'm kicking myself because Twine is so much easier to use. I have failed you, internet...

I don't know how quickly I can rebuild the game, but I'll give it a shot. My guesstimation is a week or two for a much friendlier Twine version to pop up.

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